A compilation of Inelia's Meditations and Exercises. Made available in podcast format so you can have them in one place, easy to download and listen to, in your favorite apps.
Latest Episodes
Heart Center - Reconnection Exercise
You can do this exercise with your eyes open once you have established the method and can do it easily.Be aware that it might release huge blocks and emotions that are...

Spell for the Sigil for removing the Veil of Forgetfulness
“Remove the Veil of Forgetfulness from myself and all beings who were born on Earth to embody and Co-create the high-frequency paradigm experience, NOW.”Inelia BenzFor...

Reconnecting with Gaia’s New Paradigm
The information in this video is highly empowering, and reveals deeply known, yet forgotten, facts about our true natures. Feel free to share it, email it, and post it...

Dislodging Darkness From the Planet
A powerful exercise for lightworkers to dislodge the darkness from our planet.For more information go to:https://ineliabenz.com/

You are amazing
“You are the most amazing creation in the Universe. I want you to hear this over and over again. The sooner you realize how awesome you are, the sooner it spills over ...